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Bearclaw Poppy

bearclaw poppy

Bearclaw Poppy Trail System is within one of the most fragile and ecologically sensitive areas in Southwestern Utah.

The dwarf bearclaw poppy is federally-listed endangered species, and Washington County is the only place on earth where it grows. The poppy thrives in the cryptobiotic and gypsiferous clay soils unique to this area.

It is crucially important that you ride on designated trails only. A single bike track across the cryptobiotic crust can damage poppy habitat for decades. The area is considered so important that the BLM has designated it as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). It’s closed to all motorized use and the designated trails are open to mountain bikers and hikers only.

Remember: Riding on the Bearclaw Poppy Trail System is a privilege, not a right. Failure to stay on designated trails could result in this area being closed to mountain bikes. Enjoy the trail, but respect the habitat.

Map of Bearclaw Poppy