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How to Set Up for a Wedge Shot

how set up wedge shots

Greater Zion’s Tips to Improving Your Golf Game

When it comes to using your wedge on the green, many mistakes can bring your game down. In order to use your wedge correctly, it’s important to know how to set up for your shot. You don’t want to give your wedge too much of a workout, so it helps to bring an extra club to practice the shot.

Male golfer in midswing on golf course under a blue sky with fluffy clouds.

Steps To A Precise Wedge Shot

1. Target

Find your target, you may want to use a club to align your shot to the target, but for now just make sure your target is in your visual line.

2. Use An Extra Club

Now is when you would want to use that extra club to align the shot. Place it on the ground to mark the ball position. The club shaft should be pointing directly to the ball, but is perpendicular to the target and extend back between your legs.

3. Stance

Make sure that both of your feet are parallel to the shaft, and the shaft is between your legs. During a wedge shot, you want to make sure that the ball is always evenly between your feet.

4. Angle

Angle your lead foot toward your target, doing this will make it easier to turn through the shot. Leave your left heel on the ground and pivot on it. The ball will seem to be much further back in your stance now. It should still be in the middle of your stance though, this is measured by your heels.

5. Shifting Weight

To hit down on the ball, put more weight on your lead foot. This will also help you in the rough to not catch as much green between your ball and the club face.

6. Test Your Swing

Testing your swing will help you in deciding whether or not this position is too “cramped” feeling or not. If you do feel cramped, you can move your lead foot back a few inches, as long as it stays aligned.

7. Practice

Practice makes perfect! So make sure you continue to practice this position and keep trying it until you have perfected your wedge shot!

Father and son in golf cart on fairway in front large red rock formation.