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The Greater Zion Visitor Center is a must for anyone interested in exploring the natural wonders of southwest Utah.

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Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing in Greater Zion

With sandstone, basalt, granite, and lava rock in canyons, alpine mountains, and sprawling deserts, Greater Zion perhaps offers the greatest variety of climbing opportunities found anywhere in the United States. Whether you’re a novice or someone who enjoys top roping, sport climbing, big wall multi-pitch, or bouldering, you’ve found the right place in Greater Zion.

Over 300 days of annual sunshine, mild winter temperatures, and optional higher elevation climbs combine to make this region the ultimate rock climbing experience. Climbing on rock, or even ice surfaces, give you the opportunity to explore incredible rock canyons, slot canyons, or beautiful high mountain crags in the backcountry.

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Where to Go – a few suggestions

Black Rocks Canyon

A short distance from St. George, hiding off State Highway 18, is a basalt rock canyon that is filled to the brim with great sport and top rope routes. With difficulties ranging from 5.7 to 5.12, there are 86 routes, offering enough variety to get your whole crew climbing comfortably and having a great time.

Moe’s Valley

Moe’s Valley is a bouldering paradise that has enough problems to keep you busy for your entire vacation in Greater Zion. Come prepared to work hard and be rewarded with excellent climbs and views. There are 193 routes – and that number just keeps growing. With routes that range from V2 to V13, there’s sure to be climbs in your range. Please keep to established walking paths to reduce the wear and tear on this popular climbing area.

Zion National Park

This is the big leagues. With huge canyon walls, you’ll be climbing thousands of feet, just like the legend Alex Honnold has done here. If big wall climbing isn’t for you, you can still enjoy a couple bouldering locations in Zion Canyon. Day climbing in Zion won’t require you to have a permit, but if you are going to be on the wall overnight in bivouacs, you will need a permit. For more information on the climbing in Zion and its regulations, visit their website.

Guides and Tours

Experienced guides will provide the locations and needed gear to get you climbing in Greater Zion. No matter your experience level, a guide will patiently instruct, provide the needed gear, and lead you to a safe and competent climb.

If you just need to pick up a few pieces of gear, visit the Desert Rat.